WOM relies on close cooperation in the field of hysteroscopy

Clinic for Gynecology at Vivantes Neukölln Receives WOM Hysteroscopy Excellence Center Award

16. August, 2017 General, Medicine, Products, Research & Development, Trends Medical Technology

Close collaboration with doctors and clinics is particularly important in the process of product innovations in medical technology. Creative ideas and further development of products have the greatest potential if they are initiated in close and direct exchange with the users from the clinic. The credo is: From the clinic – for the clinic!

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Mr. Köth, what will be the capabilities of the insufflator of the future?

Project manager Yves Köth is being interviewed

15. August, 2017 Products, Research & Development, Trends Medical Technology, Work at WOM

Dear Yves Köth, today we want to talk about insufflators, a particularly important product group of WOM. As a project manager, you have a key influence on the further development of this technology.

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Innovative leader WOM receives TOP 100 award

WOM impresses with innovation management and innovation successes for the third time/award bestowed by Ranga Yogeshwar

23. June, 2017 General, Products, Research & Development

Essen – Innovation leaders of German SMEs are awarded the TOP 100 seal for the 24th time. In an independent selection process, the companies impressed with well-structured innovation processes, a fertile innovation climate, and above-average innovation successes. The mentor of the TOP 100 competition, the science journalist and TV presenter Ranga Yogeshwar, honors the top innovators within the framework of the award ceremony at the 4th Summit of German SMEs on June 23, 2017 in the city of Essen.

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