Innovation awards at WOM

To be spoilt for choice

23. April, 2019 General

A company is lucky when it collects so many great initiatives and projects in the course of a year that it is really difficult for the jury to select the winner(s). This variety at WOM in 2018 even led to awards being partially shared and award money doubled in this regard.

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WOM wins European Innovation Impact Award 2017

Award for the Best Innovation Management in Healthcare

25. October, 2017 General, Products, Research & Development

With the European Innovation Impact Award 2017, WOM can already enjoy their second high-profile innovation award in 2017. After the success at TOP100  in the summer, WOM innovation manager Nina Spiri accepted the award at the end of September at the first ideasEurope conference, in Brussels.

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WOM relies on close cooperation in the field of hysteroscopy

Clinic for Gynecology at Vivantes Neukölln Receives WOM Hysteroscopy Excellence Center Award

16. August, 2017 General, Medicine, Products, Research & Development, Trends Medical Technology

Close collaboration with doctors and clinics is particularly important in the process of product innovations in medical technology. Creative ideas and further development of products have the greatest potential if they are initiated in close and direct exchange with the users from the clinic. The credo is: From the clinic – for the clinic!

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