WOM and the UN Global Compact

Collective Human Rights and Climate Change

2. May, 2017 Sustainability

“Sustainable supply chains – Engines for legislation”: This was the title of the first conference of WOM as a new member of the UN Global Compact. On March 21, numerous representatives of the 353 German companies came together in Berlin to find out about the “Climate Protection Plan 2050,” the “CSR Directive Implementation Act,” as well as the “Business and Human Rights National Action Plan” of the German Federal Government.

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CSR: Actively take Responsibility

WOM Joins UN Global Compact

2. February, 2017 Sustainability

WOM is aware of its responsibility as a company. The fact that we are a medium-sized company with not even 500 employees around the world does not stop us from orienting our strategies and activities according to the principles of a sustainable global economy. Rather, it is important to us to set an example and lead by example – even on a small scale. This is fully in line with our principles of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which have become an important part of our entrepreneurial thinking and acting.

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