WOM and the UN Global Compact

Collective Human Rights and Climate Change

2. May, 2017 Sustainability

“Sustainable supply chains – Engines for legislation”: This was the title of the first conference of WOM as a new member of the UN Global Compact. On March 21, numerous representatives of the 353 German companies came together in Berlin to find out about the “Climate Protection Plan 2050,” the “CSR Directive Implementation Act,” as well as the “Business and Human Rights National Action Plan” of the German Federal Government.

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WOMFORUM once again a great success

Series of lectures will take place in Berlin for the 4th time

19. January, 2017 General, Trends Medical Technology

The annual invitation to the WOM FORUM once again resulted in many visitors from the hospital network of WOM. The Forum has already become an established institution for doctors from the Berlin-Brandenburg region and enjoys great popularity. In addition to interesting lectures, the exchange between hospital and businesses is the special feature of the meeting.

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