Discovering the Hidden Champion!

MBA students of ESMT visit WOM

13. June, 2017 General, Trends Medical Technology

More than 60 MBA students from the ESMT European School of Management and Technology visited the WOM location in Berlin, to learn more about a “hidden champion” in medical technology. The international group of students went on a discovery tour within the context of a one-week event entitled Germany 4.0: “SMEs” and Entrepreneurship, to collect information about the economic structures in Germany and selected companies.

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WOM Supports Life Science Event with a Lecture

17. May, 2017 Trends Medical Technology

The most important biotech and pharmaceutical meeting in the health sciences Berlin-Brandenburg – health capital cluster has been expanded over the past year to include medical technology and has developed into a cross-industry life science event with international participation. In addition to a program of lectures, company and project presentations in organized matchmaking meetings explore potential partnerships and possible synergies between actors from science, industry, and application.

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