How can young talents filled with optimism straight out of university be motivated and integrated into a job at the highest level? What are the problems and solutions for training during the daily routine of a hospital day, and which training instruments point to the future? At the “Trends in Minimally Invasive Medicine” symposium, specialists from medical technology companies and clinics met at the Ludwig Erhard Haus building, in Berlin, to present their approaches and discuss them with the guests.
What began with the first event in 2015 has now become an important forum in the industry, where networking and an exchange of experience in the most up-to-date topics are at the forefront. WOM conducts the “Trends in MIM” annually as an organizer and in close cooperation with Prof. Marc Kraft from the Technical University, Department of Medical Technology, and the organization Berlin Partner.
The plenum was, as usual, excellent: Further education and training in the clinic was the subject of Dr. Güllü Cataldegirmen, Chief Medical Officer of the General, Visceral, and Vascular Surgery Department at Vivantes Auguste-Viktoria-Klinikum, describing in a very lively and exciting manner how she meets the daily challenges with her young colleagues. Prof. Dr. Michael Wahl of the Humboldt University Berlin gave a lecture on the possibilities of learning with digital media and the possible applications in medicine. Is the qualification system still up to date when it comes to further training? These and many more critical questions were highlighted by Dr. Zineb Miriam Nouns, Head of the HELIOS Academy, in her speech “Innovative Concepts for the Continuing Education of Young Physicians.”
Such interesting topics as “Blended Learning” or “Skills Training First” were discussed by Felicitas Janßen, Managing Director of the Aesculap Academy, in her presentation. Marc Pflüger presented the virtual reality training systems of KARL STORZ and their advantages for the training of young physicians. With a lecture on innovations in robot-assisted surgery, Daniel Müller, Clinical Sales Representative of Intuitive Surgical, presented a very exciting conclusion to the symposium.
Xenia Rabe-Lehmann