WOM UN Global Compact

Society in Transition – Responsibility and Role of the Economy

WOM at the UN Global Compact Conference

23. March, 2019 Sustainability

It was an unusual term that coined this conference of participants of the UN Global Compact Germany: “Confidence in the Future.” How can companies help employees to look to the future with confidence in the face of a confusing world?

What role do companies such as WOM play in the issue of the rampant rural exodus? Have all companies already understood that sustainability is not a discipline among many, but that all decisions must be based on an analysis of the effects on the environment, people and society so that we can continue to operate competitively? How do we address the issues of demographic change, digitization and decarbonization that are (going to be) revolutionizing our society? For demographic change, for example, through a new focus in personnel recruitment on target groups that were previously not the focus – older and female employees, different nationalities and cultures as well as less qualified people – who must be addressed with the appropriate media, via selected channels and with specific messages.

There was intensive and controversial discussion, interesting key notes provided valuable input. For example, Ralf Fücks, Managing Partner of the Zentrum Liberale Moderne, presented the report of his expert communication with 55 recommendations for action on “Security in Change”, which you can view here (in German language).


As a signatory to the UN Global Compact, WOM is committed to implementing the 10 guiding principles and promoting sustainable corporate governance.


Xenia Rabe-Lehmann

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