WOM Sustainability Report 2017: "Healthy Future"

WOM Sustainability Report 2017

How we are positioning ourselves for a healthy future

28. March, 2018 Sustainability

Sustainability is a very important topic at WOM. For years now, we have anchored our responsibility towards employees, the environment, and future generations in our mission, because we are firmly convinced that only a sustainable company is fit for the future.

In the last twelve months after the publication of our first CSR magazine, we have dealt even more intensively with sustainability issues. Our first sustainability report ” Healthy Future” provides an overview of our broad-based sustainability management and associated details.

  • Healthy environment: our commitment to environmental protection,
  • Healthy employees: our role as an employer,
  • Healthy fellow citizens: our projects of social responsibility
    – such as donations to charity
    – and social activities.

This report is also our first “Communication on Progress” for the UN Global Compact, of which we have been members since 2016. The report has been accepted by the UNGC and is published on their website.


Xenia Rabe-Lehmann

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