Tamara and Miriam from WOM ACADEMY

Fair Visit LEARNTEC Karlsruhe

Digital learning for the WOM ACADEMY

13. February, 2018 General

“Be it mobile learning, learning nuggets, gamification, or virtual reality – e-learning is more than ever part of holistic education concepts. The integration of technology-based learning into business processes is unstoppable, and the growing importance of digital education is clearly reflected in the trade fair and the Europe-wide renowned congress.” That’s what LEARNTEC’s homepage says.

We too – the WOM company, and in particular the WOM ACADEMY department – are making progress in the area of e-learning. This is why Miriam Baierlipp and Tamara Wachter traveled to Karlsruhe to find out about the very latest developments in e-learning.

We used the fair to try out new learning methods and explore opportunities for our company. We participated in several lectures, such as “Why should e-learning never begin with the purchase of a Learning Management System” or “Why there is so much understandable resistance to the digitization of learning in companies.” At the various booths, we learned about the latest trends, looked at different e-learning platforms, and engaged in interesting discussions with the exhibitors.

Digital learning, web-based learning, and also videos and the like are becoming increasingly important in employee training. We are now busy collecting all the information we gathered from the fair and evaluating it, in order to develop the perfect concept for WOM.


Tamara Wachter

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