WOM trainees, great apprenticeship in medical technology

From Trainees for Trainees

The digital trainee handbook is a great tool for your job

16. January, 2018 Apprenticeships, Work at WOM

Anyone who starts at WOM as a business trainee, quickly gets the full picture of his or her job. This is due to our experienced trainers, but also to our dedicated trainees themselves. As part of an innovation project, Thomas, Tamara, and Julian developed a digital handbook that provides a wealth of information to help them find their way around their daily work.

Who are the respective colleagues in the departments I go through? Which tasks should I expect? How do I best finish these tasks? This allows new trainees to immediately draw on the wealth of experience of the previous trainees. In addition, a wiki allows easy reference to technical terms, abbreviations, and symbols. A chat provides trainees with a platform to exchange information, provide tips, and explain new developments.

In addition to the digital information, the handbook also provides content for printing – so at the end of each training phase, trainees have the opportunity to take notes on a sheet, such as what they liked and disliked about the department and if this would be an area where they would want to begin working following their training.

A team of three trainees representing the different training years is responsible for the training handbook. Once one trainee has completed their training, a new trainee takes his or her place. In our case, Marleen has already taken over the baton from Julian. Together with Thomas and Tamara, she is now in charge of the project, supplementing and collecting suggestions from colleagues so that the handbook remains up to date and becomes an integral part of the training period.


Xenia Rabe-Lehmann

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